What we do
We provide high-quality care and support to clients and their family/whānau at home or in the community. We work in partnership with our funders and with other providers in the community so that services are seamless and integrated.
Our team of well-trained support workers is supported by our registered health professionals (registered nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists), who provide advice and support.
We approach our service delivery according to our service model: By Your Side. Our approach is to listen to our clients and family/whānau so that we can understand where they want to go and how they want to get there. With careful planning and responsive services, we then accompany our clients to their destination, using innovative ways to support their goals and aspirations. Our client sets the direction and the pace. We don’t walk ahead and we don’t lag behind.
We are currently developing a new approach to the support of people with disabilities, which emphasises client-led services, participation in the community and social inclusion.