8 Ways to make a Difference for Someone Experiencing Loneliness

Research has found that close to 50 per cent of seniors living at home report being lonely compared to around 10 per cent in the general population. Social isolation is a real issue among seniors and can often lead to mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Here are 8 quick and easy ways you can make a difference for someone experiencing loneliness:

  1. Call them on the phone for a chat and let them know you’re thinking of them.
  2. Send them a card with a thoughtful message.
  3. Invite the person over for lunch, dinner or just a cuppa.
  4. Stop by their house for a visit if you’re in the area.
  5. Bake something tasty for them and deliver it personally.
  6. Take your pet dog or cat to visit them and cheer them up.
  7. Invite them to meet you for coffee at a local cafe.
  8. Introduce them to a friend you think they would get on well with.

One great thing about making a difference in someone’s day is the positive effect it can have on yours. Helping and supporting others can make you feel good too! Consider who you can reach out to today and make it a better day for all.

RDNS New Zealand provides services to help people stay connected to their community and avoid social isolation. Call us to find out more: 1800 736 769